Update 06/2011

Well, here it is, June already. Lots of stuff going on around here.I am working with a local ham by the name of Mike Anderson (WV7T) to upgrade from Tech to General. I picked up some new equipment, a FT-747GX, SWR meter, and a MFJ-901B antenna tuner. Hopefully I can get my General and get on the HF bands this summer. I got my dual band 2m/70cm installed in my dodge truck and shelved the mag mount in favor of a Larsen NMO 2/70B antenna. It was a nice clean install with the cabling run under the carpet and trim panels. I used the separation kit so that the transceiver can be bolted to the floor under the seat and head mounted to a Lido LM-300 gooseneck mount. I also ran a remote speaker up the side of the truck and mounted it just above the seat belt. The wires are tucked away behind the trim panel on it too. It puts the speaker close to the left side of my head and makes it a lot easier to hear over road noise and the stereo. I am looking forward to helping the Pikes Peak International Hill Climb this year. At this time, it looks like I will be assisting at the start line area. The hams here provide communication and spotters up along the course. This allows for quick response time when there is an incident or safety issue. Several other things I could probably mention, but I will save those for next update.