Category Archives: General

Home Network

In addition to ham radio, I am also a bit of an experimenter with computers and networks. Quite a few years ago, I started playing around with DD-WRT for consumer equipment, and happily ran different iterations of that over the years. As a fan of gaming and video streaming, I have always looked for ways to improve my network speeds and, with how easy it is to crack wifi anymore, my security as well. I also have three kids, so I am not only worried about how secure things are, but online safety is a concern that has grown with my children.  The older and more connected they become, the more advanced my filters and firewalls have to be.

I addressed the firewall issue in my project article about Sophos XG. There are several pieces of equipment that run my home network and I will cover them here. The first piece is the aforementioned Sophos XG firewall. It is contained in a Rosewill brand 2U case, and does a great job! Read the linked article above for detail on it.

Rosewill 2U case

The next item is my RADIUS server. I have it running on an old Google Mini Search Appliance. This is a cool little box that I picked up pretty cheap. The OS is Ubuntu and is running FreeRADIUS. It handles this task well and I am probably going to move my TFTP server
(more on that below) over to it before too long.

Google Mini Search Appliance
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Ham Radio Equipment

Well, I decided to list the equipment I currently own. This will not be a complete list, as there are one or two things that I cannot recall the name/model of. Heh, on my salary the list is going to be rather short.

I also have a stash of components (caps, diodes etc) that I will share if you are local and in a bind. Let me know what you need.

Mobile rigs 

Base Station

  • FT-747GX (Purchased it from a local (Colorado) HAM. Came with the power supply, FP-700) Update: Power supply and radio were nearly ruined in a move. 


